So, there was the 16km Timor Barat Run at 35 SCE today. Saw some good old friends like Gomez, Gabriel, Ashley, Guan Xuan and even Andrew.
While the rest of the platoon ran, I was on status since Wednesday...due to back pain.
Let me tell you what we've been through the last week: loading assault boats up and down, each weighing around more than 160 kg. The motor we carry it separately; 75 kg weight carried by 2 men: up and down the tonner.
Well, that's all I can disclose out in public; SAF doesn't allow its soldiers to disclose any sort of its happenings online.
Strangely...I'm beginning to like my bunk.
Oh I miss climbing. Gotta climb sometime soon.
Once I get out to sea next week...I'd be looking forward to the life in the Coy.
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
9:01 AMThe Best way out,is always Through-
So, I've just finished my CEC (common combat engineer) course in Alpha Coy. It lasted for 2.5 weeks, and now I'm posted to Boat Coy to be an assault boat operator.
They all say it's the toughest course in the entire Seletar Camp; strictest regimentation and most arduous.
However, the course will only last for 5 weeks, and there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I have thoughts of abandoning my fellow platoon, but I've made up my mind to stay on.
I've been putting no effort in the army since BMT.
I guess it's time to show em' all what I've really got.
My parents, my baby, my friends have been encouraging me...they know I'd survive.
My bunk is only a small, 2 men- 3 x 4m room with no windows... looks like a cell at first sight.
Which makes me, truly, a Celldweller.
Let's show em' what you got, Joker.
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
11:56 PMThe Best way out,is always Through-