Captions:Parkour makes Flying possible;Nothing is impossible.Gosh today's chemistry practical's bloody easy.It's the easiest practical I'd ever done in my life.
To think of all the chemistry practicals I'd skipped over the years...I managed to do all the calculations,well,excluding the careless mistakes.
I regard the O level's as an opportunity to get myself up again.An opportunity to perform well again.I'm not giving up at any instant now.
I feel the drive now.One shot is all I've got.
This will be a Primetime in my life.This just feels like Parkour now,I've never felt so motivated to do well before.
My Perspective has never been this straight.I'm giving it my all and my all means the best shot.
I think I'm having an adrenaline rush again.Let's do this and get it over with.Once and for all.
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
11:49 PMThe Best way out,is always Through-
This is the Final Countdown to the most crucial Frontier in my life.I only have about one week when the exams start.
Gosh,now I feel as if my home is a hospice.But I sort of like lost my fear already.I do not fear it any longer.
I'm confident that I'd do better this time round.
I'm back into Trip Hop genre(electronic hip hop)due to the parkour influences.Gosh the music is motivating.I'm determined to get into JC next year and join gymnastics.I want to do flips.Wall runs.Wall climbs.
I managed to satisfy my adrenaline rush today;I was actually studying quietly at home till I tuned in into some parkour music and I felt the urge to move.Gosh then I went around the vicinity practising.
I realised that I wasn't that good.But I'm willing to learn the Urban Freeflow?
I have to satisfy myself,I feel that my adrenaline rushes feel as if they were orgasms?Or perhaps even greater than orgasms.Even now,sitting down typing this post in front of my com,I feel the urge to move and do something.I can't keep still,unless when I feel sad or depressed.In that case I'd go to sleep.I feel so weak when I feel sad.
Well,it's not that easy to get me sad or depressed...I must learn how to control all the emotions...and feel less.Only then I will think more using my brains.
[Learn to think more,feel less...that'll keep your perspective straight.]That's what Immortals and true Warriors do.
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
3:36 AMThe Best way out,is always Through-
Thursday, October 26, 2006
I believe that Only the Strong Will Survive.
What makes you think that it'll all work out in the end.Afraid to feel bad.Better off to try than pretend.I'm immortal,immune to all that is wrong.Just keep on wishing,crossing my fingers so long. Is this helping?I'm growning weaker each day.Can't stop whining. Still afraid of what I might say or reactions,that control us one and all.It's mine,it's pure and as decent as I can make myself.Inside,we all know,only the strong survive.Why don't you think about that?Well,Parkour never fails to cheer me I wanna share this video with you guys who find it cool.
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
1:05 AMThe Best way out,is always Through-
Man,it was fast recovery.Really fast.
Everything's Fine now,gosh man.For a moment,I'd thought it'd been over...but I guess it's not that easy also.We still love each other.
At last She actually sounded Sincere.Which I appreciated and it was good.She just stopped my heart from turning into Stone.Excellent.
Now I've just realised that Lots of People I know,I don't know and
do not want to know visits this private cell of Joker's...gosh little did they know this is my private sanctuary.Well you enter at your own risk...and
no one should be held responsible for the painful feelings you feel while paying your visit.Even if you may be obliged to keep it all inside...
I hold the playing cards in here and in My Life.Please separate the Users from the Whores,shall We?
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
12:19 AMThe Best way out,is always Through-
She's changed quite alot from what she was a few months ago when I first met her...that's what I'm sorry to say about...
She didn't do the things she would use to do when we first met...the really sweet things...Now I ask myself whether this is the turning point of our relationship.I'm really beginning to doubt my Love for Her.
She's beginning to act like my ex-girlfriend...which is something really sad to know about.I'm really at a loss for words now.
She does not show her affection as she claims...or at least I can't feel it.
I can't help but think of the extremes...about the Day.I'm afraid this time...I won't be able to stop myself?
She's killing me softly deep inside...something I would never show on the physical aspect.She brought me life,now yet I'm afraid she's gonna take it away from me...I'm just afraid that my heart would turn into stone again...then I can never ever change back.
[I wish I didn't need you now...And I wish you didn't need me...need You now;You need Me...Don't be lonely-now I'm your one and only... just stay far away from me...][We're dancing on a Thin line.]
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
12:14 AMThe Best way out,is always Through-
Hey guys,good news...My Jukebox is finally up in the section of "Creation".To tune in to the Jukebox,click on "Creation" on the the left of my blog,and it's just below the "miscellaneous" section which holds the parkour videos.To listen to the music without my original blog music hindering,simply wait for the whole song to finish or you can click on your internet browser's stop button.(the icon below favourites,in red with a cross).The tracks in the Jukebox are newly added songs,it will not be permanent,I will try my best to upload more songs in the future when I have the time.Enjoy for now.And please be understandin enough to know that I'm just a beginning.I'm happy to receive all your comments on my Tagboard.Bye for now.Enjoy.
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
8:55 PMThe Best way out,is always Through-
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Hey,good news for all you guys out there who like industrial like I do and share the simliar interests,I may include a personal Jukebox in this blog very soon.
If I have even have the time to create a Jukebox.
Music is meant to be shared.And I wanna share my music with all you guys out there-
Bye for now.
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
11:05 PMThe Best way out,is always Through-

Those comments people give you,be it criticism,positive opinions,or just mere fucking comments they just want you to die of,please think carefully what's the key reason they're actually trying to do so.
Some people,like to give good and honest comments...which is good.Some just like to criticise about almost everything that they don't see eye to eye with.Others like to give biased opinions,of totally different aspects of the same issue.Often,these comments are inevitable spikes that could pierce your confidence.And I almost forgot to add,there're also some people who purposely give fake positive comments,so that you'd fall into their trap,thinking that they're good...and when you really trust them,they stab you in the back.It's all part of their act.
I've been receiving many of these various comments I've just mentioned on the above.Since the day I stepped into primary school.I really don't give a damn bout what the others say;be it those I trust or not.I've been sayin this for umpteen times.For so many times in this blog of mine.
But,one thing's for sure...these comments sure stir up my Anger.I'm only human.No doubts bout that.It really drives me to work harder at it.
"There's no great improvement without great criticism."All these issues just lead me to think of the story of a small,young shoot of a blade of grass.No matter how strong the wind,how small the shoot,what matters most is the roots;the base of the system...something you stand firmly for,which holds you deeply rooted to the ground and nothing could bring you down.
I repeat myself again
:"Those who stand for nothing fall for everything."When you're at the bottom,the only way you can go is Up.There's only room for improvement.You can't drop further.
I have already said what I wanna say.I'm ending this cellog here.
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
4:20 AMThe Best way out,is always Through-
Today's the last day of the formal school 4 years in St.Andrew's Secondary...both good and bad memories.I would sincerely wanna treasure them.
We had 3 cakes,which 3 of them are courtesy of my teacher,Chem Yeo.Gosh.I couldn't believe she could do so much for us,after all we or I did to her.I'm sincerely sorry ma'am...I really am.
At least I got a ''very good'' for my conduct.My L1R5 had been moderated to 20 points.Gosh,but I don't think I'd be going anywhere...lots of my friends are heading to CJC.I would want to head there too if possible with an appeal.But eventually,I'd be heading to SAJC with my O level's results.The first 3 months are just for the fun of it.
We played soccer at the basketball court for one last time...We won't ever play there...for a long long time.Man,I would definitely miss those times.
On top of all,we had quite a food fight with the leftovers of our cakes.Gosh,one of my friends got smashed in the face with the chocolate cake real bad.They held him against the wall and...there goes the chunk of cake.
I did it one of my friends,from the back just to get someone to chase me.Gosh 3 guys were after me.But yeah.You guessed right,they can't catch me at all.Hahaz.Try harder the next time.
Unfortunately,I felt like crying....but I couldn't have a single tear out.I just couldn't.Gosh,my biology practical exam's on tuesday.I only have a mere few hours left.
This is the final lap already,just give it all your best,Joker.All the strength reserved for this last lap should be released.It's the last lap already.The previous laps I've improved constantly...From mid-year till the prelims I've jumped by 10 points...I've hope and confidence in a package.What I need now is perserverance and determination.These attributes shouldn't be a problem now.I've been harvesting them into my personality.I'm not letting anything distract me now.''All the whole's a playground,while all the men and women are merely players.''Let's rock this town.
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
3:56 AMThe Best way out,is always Through-
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Gosh I love knifes.I didn't know I did,until recently when I stared at a knife for bout a minute or two,then I remembered that when I was young,I've always wanted to play with knives real badly.
I like the sharp edge and the squarish design real nice.Especially the huge chopper in the picture on your right.You would really need alot of force to swing it down someone's throat.It's not streamlined at all,no designed to cut,but to
chop it
with might.
It's just like cars.A streamlined,sleek looking car maybe fast,and you'd die quick when you get banged...but when it comes to a non-streamlined truck with it's huge forward force acting on you to reach zero resultant force(which also means that your body will be smashed at the same rate the truck smashes into a wall),you won't be able to have a proper corpse.Or
carcass.Well,everyone will end up sleeping in a body bag anyway.It just depends on the
quality of the dead body itself hahaz.
I realise how powerful I would be when I'm holding a knife.Now that I've a knife already,won't you just get me a gun?So that I can pump lead,thick lead into someone's vital 21 grams.[I want your 21 grams.Real badly.]
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
5:05 AMThe Best way out,is always Through-

I'm really into
Mushroomhead now.The metal/industrial style they have.They have the appeal.I just found out that their metal songs have pretty much controversial lyrics,like those speaking of Religion.
[Look at this picture on your right.Doesn't it get you turned on?It sure does for me.]"We've been brought here for a reasonBe it fate, or internal treason Souls will be saved, Or mutiny's waged,As we plead for something to believe in."
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
3:57 AMThe Best way out,is always Through-
Saturday, October 07, 2006
When I suddenly thought of her one day,Yuki actually tagged my tagboard!I'm so happy now,despite what has happened over the past few days with
Her.Gosh I miss Yuki so much man!I really do.It feels so good to be talking to her again?Really looking forward to meeting her again?Gosh.
Yeah her birthday's just a few days away?Oh dear...the best thing is that I won't be that free.Or maybe I can be free.At least I'm willing to make myself free.Just a day.I'm gonna seize the day?
Yuki sure did make my day today,haven't felt so happy in such a long time?Even when I'm down,I had a sleepless night last nite,nevertheless,I'm still happy.
By the way,I've just read about the 8 near-universal secrets of womankind. Some may shock you,others may be things you've suspected for a long time(but never had the nerve to ask about).But know this:the woman in your life?She's hiding more secrets than these,including a few you'd never imagine.Lucky you-you get to spend a lifetime learning them all.
1st secret:Women actually think bout having sex with the One they love,more than half the time.Sometimes as long as a whole day.Now that's alot of fantasizing.
2nd secret:Women are just as afraid to get into commitment as guys do.True, many girls grow up dreaming of Prince Charming,the white wedding,and happily ever after.But they're human,just like you,and when it comes down to the reality of tying their life to another person's,they get scared too.3rd secret:Women may be modern and independent, but they still want their guy to be "the man".They do want you to be sensitive,caring 21st-century males, but even the most ass-kicking,take-no-prisoners woman still wants to feel taken care of by her man somehow.Whether that means the guy take charge in bed, know how to fix the car and kill spiders,or even just carry the big suitcase when they're on vacation-when the guy acts all manly,even if he's 98 pounds soaking wet,it makes the women feel more feminine,more safe.4th secret:Women's ex-boyfriends were not completely terrible in bed.You know how they're always telling you things like,"Oh yeah, you're definitely the biggest I've ever had" or "No one does it like you do"? Um, yeah.Well,they may have been stretching the truth just a teensy bit.But they'll never actually tell you that a past lover was a bedroom dynamo-they're smarter than that.Just know that whatever toe-curling orgasms the other guy gave them,sex with their 'One and Only' really is a million times better-because it's Him,and He's the one they really want.5th secret:Women want their guy to be jealous-but just a little bit.They want you to notice-and care!--when the waiter flirts with they,or when other guys check them out on the street.It makes them feel that they matter to you.But please don't get all Neanderthal and possessive on them."I'm very loyal, and if my guy can't understand that I would never do anything with anyone else, then that just makes me mad,"says a Woman.So,to recap:Raising your eyebrows when they introduce you to their cute coworker-good.Violence tendencies?Bad.Very Bad.6th secret:They tell their girlfriends more than they admit to you(but less than you fear).Yes,they tell them about the latest marital spat and sigh over the hobby that sucks up all your free time.But they don't tell them how big your you-know-what is or that you cried when they wanted to break.Some things are just too important and intimate to share."I definitely don't tell my girlfriends details like what my husband said when he proposed,the feeling I have every time I see him look at our daughter,and the little wonderful things he does for me every day,"says Lorraine."Those are just for me."7th secret:They really do notice and appreciate all the chores you do.In case you didn't know,I'm telling you.That you go figure out yourself on our own girlfriend.8th secret:They love you with all our hearts,but they still get wistful about the fact that they'll never feel that falling-in-love sizzle and spark again.I'll just come right out and say it:Most women are love addicts.And while they appreciate the depth and richness of long-time love,there is simply nothing like the giddy,fluttery,crazy feeling they get(or rather,used to get)with a brand-new guy.They know they'll never feel that high again,and there's a little part of them that will always miss it.(Why do you think they watch so many romantic comedies?)But in the end,what they get instead-you,and a lifetime of true devotion-is more than worth the price.Start associating these secrets along with your girlfriend.I reckon you'd believe me now.
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
8:11 PMThe Best way out,is always Through-
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Sorry for the late updates guys....I've just found out that
Mushroomhead has just released a new album.Gosh,do I like their new style.All army,but still awkward and macabre.I think they beat
Slipknot to the core.
My teachers helped me in the moderation scheme...I'm grateful for that.The teacher that I least expect to help,has indeed helped me alot.Sorry,I misunderstood last time.Now I'm just deciding to go to what JC during the first intake.But obviously not any good ones.
Heard that
Celldweller's next album's bound for next year.Damn I hope its gonna be better than his previous album.
The intensive programmes in school are kinda helping...I do understand my stuff better now.What I still need the most is still my attitude and the practice.
For all I know,my attitude now is very positive.It has never ever been better in my life.[I miss Her so much.Hope She still has me on her mind,as always...]By the way,I've created quite a range of blogskins by altering the pictures/themes/colours of the original.I may upload them into my blog under my creation for those who are fairly interested and share the same taste.Bye for now-Be Good.
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
9:57 PMThe Best way out,is always Through-
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Got To Get Together Got To Get With The Game PlanTo Defeat The DealerThat Dealt This Hand I Don't UnderstandWhy The Kids Are Killing Kids When The Only One's That Benefit Are The Big Whigs.....Pray For MeI Pray For YouPray For Me I Pray ForWe're Piling It Too HighTalk Not Saying Anything What We Leave BehindWhat We Can't Afford To Keep There's No Sympathetic PosturingThere's No More True Humanity The Old Ways Aren't Working AnymoreLet's Separate The Users From The Whores Creepy Crawl Twist The 4-5 Cap To Get Wrapped Tight Slap The Wax On The Wheels To Feel AlrightFind The Flow Freak The Funk Like Your In Heat Wrap The Leaf Strike The Blunt Now Your In Deep We've Got To Get TogetherGot To Get With The Game PlanTo Defeat The DealerThat Dealt This Hand I Don't Understand Why The Kids Are Killing Kids When The Only One's That Benefit Are The Big WhigsMankind UnkindAlways A Fine LineWe've All Got To Die And This Time It's My TimeHindsight Blind FightI Hate It When I'm RightHe Destroys The World While We Sleep At Night Twist The 4-5 Cap And Understand That If It Was Up To Me I'd Free Charles MansonHindsight Blind FightI Hate It When I'm RightHe Destroys The World At Night Throw It All AwayIf It Was Up To Me I'd Free Charles MansonWe're Piling It Too High Talk Not Saying Anything What We Leave Behind What We Can't Afford To Keep There's No Sympathetic Posturing There's No More True Humanity The Old Ways Aren't Working Anymore Let's Separate The Users From The WhoresCreepy CrawlWhat Do We Have To Hope ForWhy Do We Even TryLaughed At Religion Long AgoI Doubt I'll Be An Angel When I Die-
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
9:39 PMThe Best way out,is always Through-