Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Lying in your arms,
So close together...
Didn't know just what I had,
Now I toss and turn,
Cause I'm without you...
How I'm missing you so bad,
Where was my head?
Where was my heart?
Now I cry alone in the dark,
I lie awake,
I drive myself crazy,
Drive myself crazy,
Thinking of you...
Made a mistake,
When I let you go baby I drive myself crazy,
Wanting you the way that I do....
I was such a fool,
I couldn't see it,
Just how good you were to me...
You confessed your love,
Undying devotion,I confessed my need to be free...
And now I'm left,
With all this pain,
I've only got myself to blame
I lie awake,
I drive myself crazy,
Drive myself crazy,
Thinking of you....
Made a mistake,
When I let you go baby,
I drive myself crazy....
Wanting you the way that I do...
Why didn't I know it(How much I loved you baby)
Why couldn't show it(If I had only told you)
When I had the chance,
Oh I had the chance...
I drive myself crazy,
I lie awake,
I drive myself crazy,
Drive myself crazy,
Thinking of you...
Made a mistake (made a mistake)
Let you go baby I drive myself crazy,
Wanting you the way that I do...
I lie awake,
I drive myself crazy(I drive myself crazy, crazy, crazy...yeah)
Drive myself crazy,
Made a mistake....
Let you go baby I drive myself crazy,
Wanting you the way that I do,
I drive myself crazy wanting you the way that I do....
This peculiar(as I don't often do such sweet things)post of mine is dedicated to someone really close to me in my heart.Whenever I think of her,this song just seems to go with it...I miss her so damn much...and I drive myself crazy thinking of her...
I rememebered the times we used to have together...but all I could do was search the furthest my mind could go...just for the sake of those precious memories I had with Her....and they can't be substituted by anyone else.
I sure did cherish those times.All you people out there better cherish your girl/boyfriends...as they don't come easy.Let this be a personal reminder.
Cherish your Loved ones! Just like Joker and Harley did-
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
12:13 AMThe Best way out,is always Through-
Friday, February 24, 2006
Won't let anythin affect me.Recovered a way to counter insults or negative comments.
I won't fuckin let anyone affect me that easily...If a silly comment can cause me to be angry...then what's the difference between me and a weakling?
You all think you can bring me down with your filthy comments?Think again.If I really get agitated by any shit,won't I be falling into their traps?
I won't be that foolish.Please.
The true purpose of my blog is to show and vent out my hatred.I exist through my name.Not to exaggerate or boast about my daily life...Like the others do.I'm a passionate anti christ.
Bear that in mind.
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
4:10 AMThe Best way out,is always Through-
Monday, February 20, 2006

Bloody fucking fed up with editin a new blog skin.I can't seem to get it all right.Bloody hell,I wonder how those people manage to do it man.It's so damn confusing.
I wanna change a new blog skin...I'm gettin tired of this current one...too common.So where's my guidance?Where's the advice?I don't even know the basics for everyone's fucking sake!
Maybe,just maybe I should go back to studying.But there are people out there that can play and do well at the same time,so why can't I just be one?Am I not determined or smart enough?Am I stupid?Am I an idiot?
Why can the others do it and not me?Why must I be condemned by others?I'm willing to work hard and do what ever it takes to get to the top...
And I absolutely do not see why I do not stand a chance.Everyone has the same amount of time.Everyone is equal.Then why the fucking hell am I losing out so much?I'm so gonna push myself to the edge.
I'm gonna digest more than what my body and mind can withstand.I really am gonna do so.I'm not giving in to any of the 7 deadly sins except pride.I need to have my pride back!I fucking do!
If they can do it in a month,I can do it in a week.I've already tried it with rollerblades...and I just don't see why I can't try it with blogskins,physical training and studies.I really don't fucking see why.
My fucking jealousy visions are haunting me again.I'm always deemed as weak in their fuckin dog eyes!Fuck them all man!I've got to work harder than hard....my mind isn't goin to stop so easily.Not by you or anything else.It's not that easy.I fucking swear so.
I'm breakin out in cold sweat and feeling so nausey right now.Feel like vomiting.Head spinning like hell.Tons of homework waitin to be killed.I'll eat it all up like a dog for now.I fucking will.
I won't fail this time.I won't man.I fuckin won't.I motherfucking won't.Fuck the whole system!
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
2:33 AMThe Best way out,is always Through-
Friday, February 17, 2006
Imagine there's no more people,
no more fights or wars,
Imagine there's no more country,
where everyone has liberty,
Imagine there's no heaven above us,
nor hell below,
Imagine where you could be,
if you could just be free,
Imagine what you could do,
if you didn't follow the rules,
Imagine a life that's peaceful,
without hate or fear,
Imagine She was loving,
and be your very dear,
Imagine life was blissful,
where everyone smiles,
Imagine you were happy,
there's no room for frowns,
Imagine there's no religion,
there's just you and me,
Imagine there's no division,
then the world'll be at peace,
Imagine there's nothing to kill,
nor anythin to die for,
Imagine no possessions,
nor greed and hunger,
Imagine all these came true,
would the world be a better place?
Imagine there's no rich nor poor,
the solution to stop the money craze,
Imagine the whole world was ruined,
and just go up in flames,
Imagine there's no more problems,
and there's no more pain,
all you could do is just wait in vain,
Imagine that all these could happen,
and that all dreams are alive,
If you manage to do,it proves that you're perfectly fine,
so....shut the fuck up and respect life!
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
2:01 AMThe Best way out,is always Through-
Monday, February 13, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day everyone...It is meant to be a special day...to be shared with amongst lovers and friends....
Oh my,I'm surrounded by countless couples...and I kinda felt lonely and just a little sad but at the same time,feeling quite free.Free from the past.Finally.Then I guess that I'm just too used to be alone....
Last year,I didn't have anyone special during this time of the year...and this year I didn't have any too.It's all part of destiny I guess.
But all those dearest to me wished me Happy Valentine's....Every single one of them did.I didn't expect any of it to happen.I've already considered it as a miracle.I couldn't believe it....they still cared bout me.And I assumed and thought foolishly thinking no one would care.
How foolish was I?I'm already very contended that all of them actually did it...I wouldn't dare ask for more....I really wouldn't.
This adds on to my motivation to live life to the fullest.There are people out there that care for you...and you shouldn't do anything stupid and let them down...I realised so only now...
The last thing I wanted to add is,may all of you guys and gals out there find your true love.True love is never right before our eyes...we have to take the initiative to seek and then appreciate and admire it along with the person dearest to you...
Take the initiative to love back alright,people?Everyone deserves Love.Love is never something selfish,and it's something a pair or lovers built together.
So,cherish Love as it comes unseen...and by the time we notice that it exists,it'll be too late.
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
11:21 PMThe Best way out,is always Through-
Friday, February 10, 2006
10/2/06.O level results announced today.Doomsday.
Walked past the quiet,locked hall.Was inevitably filled with results.Truths that controlled lives...
I actually felt scared when I scuffled past the hall.One year later,it'll be my fate.But I have the choice to choose it.
Many people said I still had the chance to do well and accelerate.All I need is my confidence and self esteem...I need to be focused.More than ever.Driven by something;hatred or something,I'm not sure.But under the given circumstances,I reckon hatred will.
I wanna beat others at their game.I wanna prove to others I can do better than them.Prove to my bloody emaths and chemistry teachers they're so damn fucking wrong bout me.Hatred colder than ice injects itself into my skin.It's so damn motherfucking cold that it burns more than fire itself.It'll flow spontaneously.
I love proving people wrong but I lost the tendency to do so the previous year because I was indulged in love.I was love-sick.I didn't have the concentration or the mood to study.But now,it has all died and gone.All those feelings.The simliar anger and determination that drove me in Sec 2 has finally resurrected.
All my devotion return.I turn all my weaknesses in to strengths.For those fuckin insulting statements,I'll work twice as hard.
Back to the person I once was;seriously Joker,stoic and being very unpredictable.I guess those who knew me since I was 13 could recognize these attributes bout me.Just like the old times,eh?
One year or slightly less,is all it takes to be God.Do you know how it feels like to be worshipped?Praised,worshipped,loved,cared about and above all,being respected.Shut those critics up once and for all.With my beautiful results.And that's the only way.
I don't wanna be controlled by my results.The whole world looks down on those who are weak and undriven.They're all considered as outcasts.I'll be one too if I don't do well.I fucking take control of my results.I'll manipulate them.Then,in return,I'll be able to manipulate others.And be respected.
I don't need any strings attached.Totally no strings attached.It's only my pure spirit of sheer determination and ambition.No religion to guide or advice me;no one to encourage or care for me;no one to pity or love me.I don't need none of those right now.All I need is the flame that keeps burning me deep inside.It's the only thing keeping me going.
Every time I feel like slacking,the flame will remind of those who are better than me.My blood will then boil.And it takes very long to cool.Hahahz...then I'll feel so hyper and strong.I can go all night.Even physical fatigue will be defeated.My mind will eventually be impregnable.
And I'm already on this road now.I realised that I don't really feel tired so easily anymore.Certainly not being average lethargic.
I'm in control of my inner demon.It performs at my command.I bred it very well.Well enough.Oh,trust me.
I'll stop here for today.Observe my actions and mark my words.Trust me,I will.I won't fail that easily cause I reckon you all know what I hate most:being described as WEAK.
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
4:19 AMThe Best way out,is always Through-
Monday, February 06, 2006
Oh hell.English teacher asked us to research on Bipolar Disorder.
Immediately,I recognized myself as a potential sufferer.The symptoms I have are devastating.Almost all similar.No way,it was too coincidental.
All but one symptom;that's the part of me having suicidal tendencies.I do admit I had them last time but,these thoughts drifted on.To me getting extreme pleasure of seeing others being hurt.Especially those who I HATE.
I thought,why should I feel so depressed?I should make those who had been making my life so miserable pay.Pay the ultimate price.These thoughts of intriguing macabre are one of the sickest yet lustful thoughts I ever had.
You may think I'm such a sick and sadistic guy...but when it comes to seeing your enemy being crucified in the most disturbing manner,I reckon you'll feel the sameWhen hot boiling blood runs through your veins feeling like ice,you'll definitely do.Smiles to you-
I can get so hyper active yet in another moment I could be so depressed.Bipolar disorder's fault.One of the visible symptoms.Oh gosh.
I also realised that I needed lesser and lesser sleep.I no longer feel that tired.But my other energetic self could only last for quite awhile.I'm flesh too.
I hate sunlight and crowded places so much.I really do.I've also began to lose interests in previously favourite sports like soccer.Totally.
Now all I wanna do is focus on my studies.Gonna change all my fucking damn weaknesses in strengths.I'm so gonna prove all you guys wrong.
I guess it's up to you to think whether I have this illness-honestly,I don't really know either.
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
11:35 PMThe Best way out,is always Through-
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Love and Hate won't take me where I wanna go.But I believe sheer determination will.I believe it'll take me to the top.
My uncle said something very meaningful...He said somethings in life we don't necessary like to do but we still must...it's all part of the process.
Since you're already doing it,why not learn to like it?
I shall prove myself to everyone.
I'm casting hatred(although it won't be easy) and love(I don't have it anyway) aside.Pushing myself to the extreme.
So many people just despise me.I'll show them,they'll see.
I have to do this as this is the only way out....
Learn to Love what you Hate,and then you'll be God.
(So Christians,why not try loving Lucifer?Then perhaps I'll try loving God too.)
He builds his personality like how They build bombs-
1:43 AMThe Best way out,is always Through-